

Title of the abstract in English

Last Name First Name 1, Last Name First Name 2

1Affiliation of the first author

2Affiliation of another co-author

e-mail address for correspondence

Keywords. minimum 3, maximum 5 keywords

Introduction. The length of one abstract is 1000 to 1500 characters with spaces; the abstract should be written in an impersonal form; should not contain a bibliography; the abstract in the form given will be placed in the book of abstracts.

Material and methods. The text of the introduction in English should be here.

Results. The text of the results in English should be here.

Conclusions. The text of the conclusions in English should be here.

The font size and type should be as in the model summary. The file with the summary should be sent as an attachment to the conference e-mail address:progressioinfantis@gmail.com

The abstract should be sent a maximum 3 days after signing up for the Conference to the e-mail address indicated above

Abstract template in Word

Abstract template in PDF


Once your poster is accepted for presentation, It’s your responsibility to bring it with you to the conference, were its place will be reserved in advance.

These are recommended guidelines for poster preparation.  However, you have freedom to shape your poster format according to your test, as long as its borderlines wouldn’t exceed significantly the recommended size indicated here:

Poster Preparation

  • The poster layout is PORTRAIT.
  • Please prepare your poster to fit the dimensions below, it is recommended that poster be prepared on one sheet of poster paper.
  • The dimensions of the poster should not exceed 90 cm wide x 1.2m long.
  • Allocate the top of the poster for the title and authors as stated on the submitted abstract.
  • The text, illustrations, etc. should be bold enough to be read from a distance of two meters.
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