Workshops will be organized for groups of 10 people!

Real-time cell analysis

The workshops will focus on real-time analysis of cells in response to external stimuli. The analysis is based on label-free cellular impedance measurements to continuously monitor cell health, behavior, and function. During the workshops, participants will learn about the principles of impedance-based measurements, familiarize themselves with the operation of measurement equipment, conduct own experiments and interpret the obtained results. There are predicted 2 groups (one on 19.10.2023 and the other on 20.10.2023).

Synthesis of water-soluble fluorescent quantum dots

During the workshops, the participants will have an opportunity to synthesize two types of quantum dots of varying sizes and emitting different fluorescence colors: CdTe QDs and carbon QDs. Then, the synthesized nanoparticles will be purified, and their fluorescence will be detected under UV light. Participants will learn about the unique optoelectronic properties of quantum dots and gain knowledge concerning their potential in biomedicine as new-generation molecular probes, enabling high-quality imaging and theranostic agents. There are predicted 2 groups (one on 19.10.2023 and the other on 20.10.2023).

Flow cytometry is a tool for multi-parameter analysis of a single cell. 

The workshops are dedicated to young scientists, diagnosticians, pharmacists and doctors interested in flow cytometry (education points will be awarded). The aim of the workshop is to introduce to the secrets of flow cytometry and good cytometric practices. Examples of cytometric methods used in scientific research and medical diagnostics. Theoretical part will contain the theoretical basis of sample applications used in scientific and diagnostic research: analysis of apoptosis, cell cycle and basic lymphocyte subpopulations. Practical part will include: familiarity with the construction and operation of the cytometer, and performing and analyzing a sample of prepared samples. There are predicted 2 groups (one on 19.10.2023 and the other on 20.10.2023).

Electroporation in vitro 

Pulsed electric field (PEF) i.e. electroporation  is commonly used to facilitate the delivery of various molecules, including pharmaceuticals, into living cells. This workshop will introduce you to the basics of electroporation technique in vitro, how to determine if cells are permeabilized. There are predicted 2 groups (one on 19.10.2023 and the other on 20.10.2023).